Partnerships with our corporation…

…allow us to focus on growth of our product lines yet stay in line with our core principles (Inclusion, Transparency, Courage and Integrity), therefore assuring our global impact through collaboration with other women- or minority-owned and operated companies of scale.  Beyond our mission, we deem companies interested in this global initiative, potential partners that could join our platform and inspire or contribute to the women of color in their countries, or around the world.



Our company seeks new ways to enhance our technological advancement through optimal CRMs and ERPs that enable us to understand different customers’ behaviors and cultures, then serve our global initiative using the best designed and developed technology solutions.


As we strive to be available to all women of color globally, we feed this longstanding committment through our well-trained and inspired sales and marketing teams globally.  We continually seek ways to strengthen and enhance our strategies and processes through new innovative ideas that implant the CookieSkin brand into more homes on the planet.


Great products come from great research and science.  Science and Beauty combine to encompass and deliver our company’s core passions and expertise.  Our global team of employees, contractors, consultants and volunteers work in unison to verify the quality and assure our delivery of revolutionary natural products for the everyday life of women.


Creating great products and only selling for a financial profit is but a perversion of itself unless it has an ultimate goal of the betterment of humanity.  At CookieSkin, we value the human good equally to our financial performance and continually seek organizations bettering the life of women in different corners of the world.


Reaching well known or remote communities is a challenging feat our company is willing to undertake, even if it seems impossible to embark on alone.  We want to collaborate with like minded logistical companies to distribute CookieSkin and it’s initiative to as many regions of the world as humanly possible.


TO BECOME A PARTNER: Send an email to

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